Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Students may enjoy locating information on the Aztec culture; they have to learn about the life styles, medicine, religion, agriculture, education and astronomy.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Mexico lost, long time ago, one of the most important treasures which is related with the Aztec culture….Montezuma’s plum. Our government wants to recover it, but we don’t know much about this relic. We neither know how it looks like, either its measures, the target country. Could you help us bringing this information and ideas about how to recover it?

If we recover the Aztec culture, which benefits and disadvantages could you found.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Task 1.- Aztecs created their city in a lake, if they had a lot of solid territory, why do you think they took this hard decision.

Task 2.- Later on the empire became so large that, food was not enough for all of them. How solved this problem. How do you think this culture made a successful method that allowed them to survive?

Task 3.- Do you know why the Aztecs offered gladly their lives to the Gods, and why the heart was eaten when still was beating? Where did they think the dead people were going to?

Task 4.-What is the difference between schools of our age and the Aztec’s.

Task 5.- The actual nutrition houses where natural remedies are used, are linked to the original Aztec curative methods?

Task 6.- Is there any difference between the Aztec calendar and the Gregorian calendar?

Saturday, September 15, 2007


Roles will be assigned to the different members of the team, and teacher assures every body to be working. Each member will be responsible of his/her role. Organization, commitment and agreements are essential to accomplish each task.

Student 1. - Search in internet

Student 2. - Search in texts sources

Student 3. - Define the main objectives of the tasks.

Students 1,2,3, 4.- Discuss about the main ideas and organize the information

Student 4.- Organize a public and formal presentation.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Students will be evaluated according to the rubrics provided in the evaluation template. The teacher will take the number 1 as the minimum score and the number 4 as the maximum score.

Monday, July 16, 2007


Sunday, July 15, 2007


TeAcHeR TeMpLaTe

This assignment is designed for 10th grade.
The objective of this lesson is to complement the knowledge of the prehispanic cultures. Different cultures may be assigned to other teams. Cultures like Maya, Olmeca, Tolteca, Chichimeca, etc.

SEP Standards

According to the Public education association, the high school academic programs require the teacher to:

· Be certified in the proper and specific area
· Cover the academic program previously elaborated by the different academies of the SEP
· Assist to the capacitating and actualization programs
· To respond to the specific needs and requirements of the educative system
· To assist to semester workshops where quality and specific roles reflexion focus on the students´ needs.
· Assist to courses in where teaching must be focused also in the interpersonal development of the student.

Monday, July 2, 2007


In this training you learned about the Aztec culture. You learned about their religion, astronomy, medicine, agriculture and education.
Nevertheless, according to the student’s curiosity, other topics were brought up during the expositions. Encourage yourself to immerse widely into this beautiful culture, myths and more mysteries. You also learned how to use technological tools as sailing in the internet in order to complete all the required information. Besides you knew how to select relevant and credible (peer reviewed) sources.